New EN60079-14:2014 IECEx Standard
NEW IECEx/EN60079-14:2014 introduces significant new changes for Ex Installers and Inspectors
EN60079-14:2014 Updates
After a great deal of debate, the new Hazardous Area Installation Standard EN60079-14:2014 has been issued and is published as an IECEx and EN Standard. As a BS EN Standard there is a rather unusual section essentially saying that although the Standard is published, the UK takes issue with certain parts/changes!
- Explosion Protection Levels (categories and EPL) updatesEN60079-14:2014
- New Protection Concepts updates
- New Ex Installation requirements covering for cable, glands and all protection concepts
- New Installation tests (restricted breathing on cables etc.)
- Different Ex d Barrier Gland requirements
- New Information on RF devices
- New Intrinsic Safety Requirements
The new Standard, coupled with the new Inspection Standard (EN60079-17:2014) represent the most significant changes to potentially explosive atmosphere inspection and installation for a decade, and all Engineers and Technicians involved in this field are advised to take note of the significant updates.
Source: Exveritas